Meet Naceem


Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and go deep? I am a Certified EMDR therapist with a relaxed vibe and a firm, steady, and active approach to psychotherapy. I am committed to your growth, and I hope you are too.

You might be wondering how I got here. I didn’t become a therapist because of my own traumatic past. I became a therapist despite it. Working in mental health wasn’t exactly what my immigrant parents envisioned for me. In my quest to make them proud, I set unrealistically high standards for myself. I then fell apart when things didn’t go according to plan. I kept wondering why life wasn’t fulfilling even though I was following all the rules.

I discovered when I couldn’t measure up, I didn’t have my own back. I humbly surrendered to recognizing I had my priorities wrong. Learning self-compassion and acceptance gave me the freedom to pursue a career that fits for me. What good is making a living when you’re just going to exist and survive, rather than thrive? The lure of achievement and perfection is strong. I see it all around, and it’s pronounced in my own story.

Although my life took a lot of turns, I feel fortunate that I took the time I needed to get here. And now I’m am here to help you in your search for the life YOU want to live.


None of us are immune to the rigors and challenges of life, but you can closely nurture how you respond.

Call me today: 310-905-4896